1. Legal framework
2. Legal forms
3. Descriptions
4. Subsidiaries
5. Steps towards
6. Costs
7. Consultancy
8. Legal documents






The partners from this Project prepared the web site in order to improve access to information. It is our will to maintain the information updated and precise.
In spite of all our efforts, errors may occur.

These may be caused by transitory conditions on the Internet, unauthorized changes (hackers) or even us.
For these reasons please contact us as soon as possible if there is any suspicion on the truth fullness and /or accuracy of some information you may find in our pages and please do not initiate any legal action, based only on the information provided by this site.

Having in mind all these, the chamber of commerce from Arad (RO) and Bekes (HU) can not be responsible in any case for the unpleased situation which might occurred by using the information provided by these pages.

You will find links to other sites on our web site.
The quality and contain of the information from other sites is not our responsibility.


[ The Arad Chamber of Commerce ] [ The Bekes Chamber of Commerce ] [ DISCLAIMER ]